Qesapia Kids Learning Center in Gyumri
Here are the following school supplies needed for the Qesapia Kids Learning Center for Low Income Families in Gyumri.
Materials to build school 4 tables and 8 chairs: 130,000 Drams
Materials to build Easels for Art Class:
Molding 9500 dram x 5=47,500
Wood 2800 dram x 5=14,000
Acrylic Paint 2500 dram x 16 (colors)=40,000
Watercolor Paints 700 dram x 40 box=28,000
Color pencils 1200 dram x 12 box=14,400
Watercolor Palet 250 dram x 50 box=12,500
Art supplies 350 dram x 16 box=5,600
Art Brush set 2600 dram x 8 box=20,800
Eraser 100 dram x 20 box=2,000
Black Pencil assorted 800 dram x 15 box=12,000
Regular Black Pencil 100 dram x 15 box=1,500
Chess 5000 dram x 10=50,000
Piano (used) 40,000 dram x 1=40,000
Grand Total 418,300 Drams, around $1100 USD
Learn more about the center in ADF group https://adfund.org/groups/քեսապիա-երեխաների-ջարգացման-կենտրոն/